Firm News

New Courtship

The Missouri Court of Appeals has turned down Deanna Daughhetee Vinson's appeal to the end of her subprime marriage to fellow mortgage dynamo Ray Vinson. A three-judge panel of Roy Richter, Glenn Norton and Clifford Ahrens said St. Louis County Circuit Judge Michael Burton got it right the first time.

Missouri Court of Appeals Judges Affirm — and Criticize — Vinson Divorce

Mortgage broker Ray Vinson -- whose famed ads have annoyed multiple TV viewers -- seemed to draw the same reaction Tuesday from a state appeals panel that affirmed Vinson's divorce from his wife, Deanna. Judge Roy L. Richter, writing for the Missouri Court of Appeals, Eastern District, expressed aggravation…

Vinson v. Vinson

Our lawyers tried a multi-week dissolution case between the founders of a mortgage banking company that, in 2004, generated more that $3 billion in mortgages.

Bennett’s Cross-Exam of Metro Chief Likened to “A Few Good Men”

Not since Jack Nicholson, as Col. Nathan Jessep, took the stand in "A Few Good Men" has a witness self-destructed the way Larry Salci did this week in a Clayton courtroom. Mr. Salci, the president of the Metro transit agency, admitted that he had never read the contracts that his…

Metro Chief Takes Stand

Metro President Larry Salci met the CEO of a worldwide engineering company at a hotel coffee shop in Salt Lake City in 2003 to complain about failures in its work on an eight-mile MetroLink extension. That impromptu meeting, Salci told a jury Monday in St. Louis County Circuit Court, failed…

Bennett Quoted in Article Regarding Unpublished Court Opinions

He had taken a legal malpractice case to the Missouri Court of Appeals Eastern District and received an order from a three-judge panel instead of a published opinion. Published opinions appear in caselaw books and on the court's Web site and can be cited; memorandums such as the 10-page…

John Comerford Joins Firm

In August 2007, a new lawyer joined the firm, bringing the total number to six. John Comerford, a graduate of the U.S. Naval Academy and the Georgetown University Law Center, joins Dowd Bennett. Mr.Comerford previously served as an officer in the U.S. Navy for seven and a half years.

Synergetics, Inc. v. Hurst et al.

In June of 2007, our lawyers conducted a four-day bench trial over a motion to set aside a multi-million judgment and for sanctions.

British Building Material Manuafacturer Wins $36M Verdict in Breach of Contract Case

A British building material manufacturer has won a $36 million verdict in its federal breach of contract case against Zoltek Corporation, a St. Louis-based carbon fiber manufacturer. In its lawsuit filed in U.S. District Court, Eastern District of Missouri, Structural Polymer Systems, Ltd. claimed that Zoltek quit supplying its requirements…

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Dowd Bennett is a litigation firm with extensive courtroom experience. Led by trial-seasoned lawyers, including former federal prosecutors and judicial law clerks, our team shares tenacity, a passion for seeing cases through trial and a complete commitment to client service.